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Predicatables: Fortune Teller On Your Wrist

Do you know someone who reads tea leaves, or swears by the accuracy of geomancy? Well, Israeli designer Dor Tal has reason to believe that humanity has arrived at a particular tipping point in our long and storied history, where fortunetelling could not only be pertinent, but useful in everyday life to boot. Of course, Dor Tal has come up with an app to support his belief, which means he will not be sending business in the direction of the local gypsy tarot reader anytime soon. His invention is known as “Predictables”, where it functions as a kind of automated social media stalker/calendar app.
The app will be stashed away in a wrist-mounted projector, where it is capable of projecting future events onto the palm of your hand. The events will make an appearance in the form of color-coded bubbles, where individual colors will correspond to a different area of your life. For instance, red signals romance, while green would mean work. Blue depicts finances, and so on and so forth. The closer an event is to you, the larger the bubble will be. Predictables will look into your social media and conversational history, as well as those of your loved ones, friends and co-workers, before it connects the dots on your behalf and delivers cryptic advice that could go either way. Sounds like it has to jump through plenty of privacy hurdles in the first place before it can even take off!
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About Sridhar Mahendrakar

Its my passion to explore myself with new ideas and i love to write; a compulsion; something that gives me an avenue to express myself. I write when I am happy; when I am sad or when an issue touches my heart.


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Graduate Engineer @ Indian Space Research Organization